Laman Tingkatan 4

  • Jom klik link di bawah untuk melihat "Curricullum Specification Chemistry Form 4"

  • A simple view of atomic structure (Chapter 2)
The behaviour of protons, neutrons and electrons in electric fields
·         Protons are positively charged and so would be deflected on a curving path towards the negative plate.
·         Electrons are negatively charged and so would be deflected on a curving path towards the positive plate.
·         Neutrons don't have a charge, and so would continue on in a straight line.

The nucleus
The nucleus is at the centre of the atom and contains the protons and neutrons. Protons and neutrons are collectively known as nucleons.
Virtually all the mass of the atom is concentrated in the nucleus, because the electrons weigh so little.
Working out the numbers of protons and neutrons
  • No of protons = ATOMIC NUMBER of the atom
The atomic number is also given the more descriptive name of proton number.
  • No of protons + no of neutrons = MASS NUMBER of the atom
The mass number is also called the nucleon number.
This information can be given simply in the form:

How many protons and neutrons has this atom got?